Last night was a dream! You know those nights/days/events where you build them up in your head, anxious excited about how it will go/what will go wrong, and then they go flawlessly?! Like no notes - would not have changed a single second or taken anything back? I’m gunna be honest, I’ve only had a handful of moments like that in my life. I’ve got some undiagnosed anxiety so there’s usually something I awkwardly regret saying or doing in social settings. (I digress) But last night? Last night was perfect.
A client turned friend of mine, Leah Hughes, graciously invited me to Savannah to host a dinner party last night. An unfortunate case of a bad cold kept Leah from the festivities (I take it back - that was our hiccup!!), but what she and Nikki Krecicki from Provisions organized, and what our photographer, Britt Stepp, captured behind her lens was nothing short of magical. This morning, we launched a new tabletop line on the website, and y’all it’s been a long time coming. I dreamt of these pieces years ago, and I kept waiting for someone to make them. But they didn’t. So, after some encouragement from my team (*cough* *cough* Ellie McNevin) at the start of 2024, we decided it was up to us to make these beautiful brass tabletop goods that had been living rent free in my mind for years. I had the collection sketched by the end of January, fully carved into wax by the end of April, and, after a few snafus finding just the right production partner, we had samples in hand end of June. A photoshoot/dinner party celebration for turning 10 in August, and here we are in September on launch day. Woof - I’m tired just remembering it all. Also, this is not our full time gig - we’ve still been making jewelry and working with clients one on one at the same pace as we were before. It’s been a lot, and I’m so damn proud of not only myself but majorly proud of my right hand lady Ranna, who did not have this dream, by the way, she just supported me in mine.

But back to last night. We decided this summer to showcase the new collection, SCAPE, with one of my favorite ways to bring new and old friends together - a dinner party. Nikki kindly offered her beautiful space and brought in Sixby to cater. Leah envisioned the linens and space, and it all came together beautifully. When the dinner started, I knew about half the women at the table and by the end, it felt like we were all old friends. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt so supported and loved in a room of women where I actually had only just met half in the hour prior. Conversation flowed seamlessly, the food was delicious, wine poured, laughter, music - it was pure magic.
And that’s what I want to bottle with SCAPE - the indescribable magic. The magic you don’t have the right words to express, you just feel it. Deep in your bones. Good things happened here. Hard sad things can be happening in the greater world but tonight, tonight we lived as humanity intended - together. We shared in fellowship and enjoyed community with one another. The purest form of magic.
In solidarity,
Mary Frances
What’s In My Ears: Sunday Afternoon by East Love